Archive for the 'kiddos' Category

the end

June 30th, 2009

It is a big week. Sylvie’s nanny share with Theo has come to an end, she is leaving her Spanish emersion school and heading off to big kid preschool to be near her brother. Will has been enthusiastically instructing her in the ways of preschool, Doug has been cheering her on, and Sylvie and I […]

for your mini hipsters

June 25th, 2009

The new American Apparel shiny lame pants are highly coveted by all kids in my house. “I want the purple ones,” says Sylvie. “Ooh, get me the silver ones! No- the blue ones, do they have blue ones?” exclaims Will.

that chili will make you so fast

June 10th, 2009

I read a study not long ago that kids eat more if they think they are eating monster slime or bat venom. We don’t go that far, but we do explain in simple terms the benefits of the meal in front of us, and woah – look at those kids eat! Pictured is Will snarfing […]

incentives and motivations in the house

June 10th, 2009

We’re in the middle of potty training. I’ve mentioned trying to potty train on my site before, and thanks to the wisdom I gained potty training my first, I realize that physiological readiness (a.k.a. ability to hold it) is just as important as enthusiasm and coordination to get to the bathroom, get undressed and go. […]

more camping, less cowbell

June 9th, 2009

We went camping, again, this past weekend. But, this time we started off the weekend canoeing down the Russian River, through the wine country. What a blast! Like every other place I’ve floated down a river, there are a number of outfitters who have set up shop on the banks who will rent all the […]

the boss was born

June 4th, 2009

Will: “We do what Lynne says because she is the boss at school.” Dad: “Lynne is the boss at school? Who is the boss at home?” Will: “Mom.” Dad: “Why is Mom the boss at home?” Will: “I don’t know. Bosses are born that way.”

the most beautiful camp in CA

May 31st, 2009

Post graduation, we headed out to Butano, near the town of Pescadero in the hills of Santa Cruz to camp with the neighbors. Wow. I’m afraid to post good pictures of the place for fear that it will cease to be as incredible as it is today. This is a Disney forest with mossy branches, […]


May 31st, 2009

Friday, Will graduated from preschool. No pomp and circumstance. No dreadful valedictorian speech. They had tasseled mortar boards (centerpieces turned kiddie headgear) heavily guarded by the teachers up until the second they got to put them on, so there were no secret mortar board messages like “eat my shorts class of 2010” or “Swine Flu! […]

the hidden trails of Berkeley

May 26th, 2009

Shhh… It’s a secret! When we were looking for a house, we wanted to live some place where all of our necessities were within walking distance – much like our child-free pad in the city. Where it was easy to get to the places we wanted to be, in the way we wanted to get […]

american pastimes – slip and slide

May 26th, 2009

It is officially summer. Time to hang up the soccer cleats and shin guards, dust off the barbecue, and air out the summer parkas. And that’s just what we did this weekend. Saturday marked the end of our official Spring pick up season which we commemorated with obligatory soccer pictures. It isn’t official unless it […]

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