our roommate Google
August 18th, 2009It is funny because it is true.
Just another WordPress site
If you don’t already feel insignificant, you certainly will after watching this footage modeled from pictures taken by the Hubble. Will asked, “Are those planets?” “No, those are galaxies that contain billions of planets.” “Awesome.”
My family is in town watching my children during their summer vacation, so I have a bit of time to catch up on my blogging 🙂 I thought this article on MSNBC listing a few surprising factors that contribute to longer life-spans really interesting.
We’re having our first sleepover as parents. Will and Matthew, his bestie, have been planning this event since they were barely able to talk, debating why they each had to go to their own houses at night and couldn’t just spend the night together. The pressure for a sleep over climaxed around Will’s birthday. He’s […]
I mentioned that my office moved to San Francisco, recently. I’ve been enjoying the contrast of the city to the suburban areas I’ve worked before. Because of the density of people downtown, there is always someone advertising their wears, giving free samples on the street. My first week, it was Christians handing out granola bars […]
Now you can read about things flying towards our planet on NASA’s blog because I know you’ll want to be alerted via blog post of impending doom. Check it out.
It has been a while since I last wrote – there were technical difficulties when I last attempted, and I’ve been busy with work and children, since – but found this too interesting to go without posting. Here is the account from a Staten Island writing teacher about his project to harness his student’s natural […]
… as Rustie so eloquently put it. Apparently the circus is over. We can all now go back to appreciating all that great music without wondering what sad turn of events will be next in Michael Jackson’s incredible career. Sad day. I’m hoping he left the kids to be raised by someone less troubled.
I had a full garden of baby fruit – (20) cherries, strawberries, (6) blueberries, a tree of lemons, … And something got there first!
It is Saturday morning, and I’m making banana bread listening to an Apple iTunes Genius composed playlist that I seeded with Led Zepplin’s Going to California. Listening to this poorly composed playlist (Pandora would have created a better mix), it dawned on me that the invention of home recording devices like tape recorders which allowed […]