Archive for the 'kiddos' Category

eating another rainbow

January 23rd, 2009

It is just the kids, tonight. No daddy around. So Will and I decided we’d make rainbows for dinner. As we were discussing what foods we wanted to eat for each color, Will and I got into a heated debate about where crab fits into the rainbow – is it pink? Is it orange (per […]

family celebrities at the inaugural youth ball

January 21st, 2009

My cousin and his girlfriend attended the inaugural Youth Ball in DC – and the handsome couple were interviewed for the NYTimes video coverage. Check them out in the video on the bottom left side of the article (around 0:20 and 2:45 marks).

the owl shirt

January 20th, 2009

A little late to jump on the owl bandwagon, here’s my attempt on my unwilling model. And a Willism: When asked if he likes sharks – “I like sharks with a roof on top and an aquarium underneath.”


January 10th, 2009

[Passing the donut store on our run] “Dad, can we get donuts?” “We’re having something just as good this morning – waffles, but we’ll see what tomorrow brings.” “If tomorrow doesn’t bring anything, can we get donuts, Dad?” And one caught on film:

for the record

December 29th, 2008

I have *never* forgotten to take my kids somewhere.

the world according to Will

December 28th, 2008

Will is coming to the office with me tomorrow because his school is out and we host Sylvie’s nanny share at our house. Clearly concerned about the plan for tomorrow, “Mom, if you forget to take me to work with you, you can come back and pick me up.” When I told him that we […]

Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2008

Hope you are having (have had) a very Merry Christmas. Video evidence that Santa visited our house: Will was unenthusiastic about the video footage of Santa. He didn’t find the half eaten cookie, dribble of milk or eaten carrot interesting, either. And he wanted to know why Santa brought him so many presents. (Between you […]

Christmas Willisms

December 24th, 2008

In the Christmas reading list is Santa Mouse about a mouse who gives Santa a present and in return is made into Santa Mouse. We’ve got a mouse problem. The suckers have come into the house to winter, and are sneaking into my kitchen pantry through an unfinished electrical outlet. When we catch one (humanely […]

santa is no friend of mine

December 21st, 2008

What is it about that white beard, fur trimmed suit, and jolly laugh that strikes fear in hearts of toddlers? This guy is supposed to be beloved! After all, he brings toys to all good girls and boys across the world. I admit something about the story doesn’t add up – he parks his sleigh […]

did some research – when a kid falls on the pavement

December 20th, 2008

To answer the age-old question: When a kid falls on the pavement and there is no one around to care, does he cry? No. Witnessed Will take flight superman style and completely eat it a block away from me. He laid there stunned for a moment, and then, since no one was around to console […]

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