Archive for April, 2009

we’re having a heat wave – slushies!

April 20th, 2009

It was a sweltering 92 degrees in San Francisco, today, and allegedly 95 in my neighborhood. Needless to say, my NoCal children are dying. Especially the kid who told me a few weeks ago when it was only 72 degrees, “Mom, is this what fire feels like?” So, aside from reapplying sunscreen and sitting about […]

being the mom…

April 4th, 2009

means not crying when you scrape your arm on the concrete slide, even if it hurts and you swear you’re now missing 1/4 of your arm. Being the mom also means looking enthusiastic when your 4 1/2 year old son excitedly asks you to do it again. And again. But, being the mom, you’ll from […]

dye eggs without dying

April 3rd, 2009

Great instructional video from Curbly on dying eggs using natural ingredients.

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