Archive for November, 2008

front page news

November 6th, 2008

A car ad.

personal space

November 6th, 2008

In a city with over 13 million residents shoved into 500 square miles, there is no wonder that personal space is “very less”. I find this constant flood of people exhausting. Every last square inch of the city is filled with people on foot, in autorickshaws, in bike rickshaws, on wagons, in cars, on bikes, […]


November 6th, 2008

There are many reasons traffic is so bad in India. I’d say amazingly, infrastructure is not the predominant reason. One of the vendors we are looking at is located in Noida, Uttar Pradesh – just over the river from us – so we had a longer commute through a mildly more rural area, today. We […]

Obama raises hopes

November 5th, 2008

Click to read. India is happy.

I’m verklemmt

November 5th, 2008

Totally. Just still so happy that Obama is our next president.

Delhi outside my window

November 5th, 2008

ask and ye shall receive, if you are a customer

November 5th, 2008

I don’t recall if I mentioned that the other night we left after dark and had a near death experience navigating the pitch dark tiny marble-lined stairwell to the office as not only was it not built to US code and each step was set at it’s own non-standard height, but there were giant pipes […]

Indians, so polite

November 5th, 2008

I love the British infused politeness, here. A sign over the exposed wires awaiting placement of a sconce: My celebratory dinner of dosas at Sagar. Yum. Lets just hope it stays where I put it.

out and about town

November 4th, 2008

I’ve been here close to 48 hours, though it feels like at least a week. I think it is the constant interaction with people. As I write this, I’m watching the election results roll in at and a few men sweeping the busy street below my window. Delhi wakes up at 7, but I’ve […]


November 3rd, 2008

India is a very resourceful country. I understand they have to be considering the sheer number of inhabitants – imagine the trash problem if the population of India took on the wasteful, disposable United States way of living. This resourcefulness is apparent in everything – from the miniature single ply tissues on my bathroom vanity […]

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