great science site

September 13th, 2010

For the science geeks out there:

We’re in the market for good child sized safety glasses after child A almost blinded child B when child A, distracted from the bottle rocket construction momentarily, tried to find out what happens when you apply forced air to sibling’s eye-socket.

For the scientists in the room wondering just that – a lot of Homer Simpson style yelling, much crying by child B, a little squirt of blood Horney Toad style, frantic googling and consulting of emergency personnel, cold compress, dilation confirmation, vision confirmation (thank god for early readers!), and a little Tylenol for all parties involved.

One Response to “great science site”

  1. 1 Jordan
    September 15th, 2010 at 10:17 pm

    This type of experiment is a sure sign of genius…

    “In one experiment, to prove that color perception is caused by pressure on the eye, Newton slid a darning needle around the side of his eye until he could poke at its rear side, dispassionately noting “white, darke & colored circles” so long as he kept stirring with “ye bodkin.””

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