splish splash

May 5th, 2009


Will started swimming lessons, today. He was so excited, he had his goggles on 15 minutes before his group was allowed in the water. Because we were running late, I accidentally got him in the pool with the Level 2 kids (second season swimmers), but he is pretty fearless and was able to quickly catch on. After the lesson- “Mommy, I blew water out of my nose!” “Mommy, can we keep the pool forever?” “Mommy, I have to pee, I drank a lot of water.”

When told he needed to wash his hair because the chlorine from the pool will make his hair turn green, “Oooh, I’m not washing it.” Duh. It should have occurred to me that green hair wouldn’t be discouraging.

We’re going back Thursday. Woo-hoo!

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