halloweenies and camera tricks

October 24th, 2008

Tonight the kids dragged me to the Lawrence Hall of Science Halloween fair. We were rather late getting up there, so we made it to only the juice table and the fortune teller before it was time for the Magic show. According to the fortune teller, Sylvie has a brother, is about 2, likes grape juice and bananas. Sylvie nodded her head in agreement. Both kids loved the magic show. I wonder how much magic is lost on a 2 year-old. We debuted the kids’ halloween costumes – Sylvie the monkey and Will the dragon.

Following the magic show was a costume parade led by – according to Sylvie – a very, very scary mummy. So scary, she came running for her own mummy.

The scary dragon:

The slain dragon:

The inside of a monkey:

An aside- I’ve been playing around with an iPhone app that applies filters to my pictures. Some of them salvage not so great pictures. Some just downgrade interesting pictures to grainy, polaroidish photos. Here are a few other filters:

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