when it rains, it pours

May 5th, 2009

Following our streak of hot weather, we’re suffering biblical rains. Some of this has been like Houston humidity; some true rain. Yesterday’s rain brought fetid mud puddles to bathe in. Of course, puddles are straight where the kids headed when we arrived home from school. Initially, the kids were fully clothed in jeans and rain boots. Within five minutes, my children had stripped to their underwear/diaper, complaining their pants were wet. In no time, everyone but Theo was down to skin. After a good hour amusing the neighbors, rejuvenating in the swamp of youth, both households were dumped straight into hot baths. Ah, to be young.

One Response to “when it rains, it pours”

  1. 1 grampa
    May 7th, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    If a puddle is what amuses them, I can’t wait for them to come to Houston!

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