Palin for President

September 19th, 2008

“At last the doors of government have been thrown open, and anyone can obtain the highest office in the land.”

One Response to “Palin for President”

  1. 1 grampa
    September 22nd, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Hmm…Micael Palin for President…and John Cleese for Veep. Although the current administration would make for good comedy if it were fiction, they aren’t a laughing matter. A Palin/Cleese ticket would at least be no worse than the current admin or a McCain/Palin administration.

    May God save this country. Four more years of cowboy administration will certainly bring us to our knees. Probably by then having a woman in the executive branch that can field dress a moose will be a valuable asset. Lets hope it never comes to that. But as I think of it, the strong point of the McCain/Palin ticket is that they can sleep in the woods and shoot guns. How about electing someone that can work with people, doesn’t undercut the laws or abuse position, and someone that feels the government is for the American people and not for policing the world. Someone like Michael Palin!

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