it is not just avoidance…

June 2nd, 2008

It was like Christmas, today. We mailed our custom shirts to cousins far and more far, and then arrived home to find two gigantic boxes (“ship sized” according to Will). Will and I eagerly unpacked the first, a box from Zappos full of shoes for everyone but Doug. Will got new field cleats for soccer.

Sylvie received a couple pair of mary janes and some canvas loafers – trying to find a shoe that will keep her hot feet from baking. I got two new pair of mary janes, because I’m wearing out my others running after Will.

The OTHER box was full of fabric, and Will, ever so enthusiastic, was ever so enthusiastic about this box. “Oooh mommy, who is all of this for?” He has claimed a particularly pretty blue floral fabric.

Some others in the stash:

The best thing about the arrivals today was probably the boxes. Sylvie and Will had boat races in their boxes until hunger turned them rabid.

On another note, we went to the chocolate and chaulk festival on Shattuck this past weekend. I could see how this might be a fun thing in the future, but this year it consisted of 10 booths and maybe 5 participating restaurants dolling out chocolate. Because we have a lot of genetic enthusiasm, we steered clear of the chocolate and focused on the chaulk and musicians. Will has a thing for zydeco, which I captured in disappointing 4 second clips. Are all babies dancers? My kids haven’t yet figured out they didn’t get rhythm in their genetic inheritance.

Friday afternoon we leave for Santa Cruz to go camping with Sylvie’s pals, Theo and Stella. We bought a family sleeping bag so this time when both kids want to curl up in my sleeping bag, no one is left out on the cold plastic tent floor. Our new bag is so large it could sleep the whole family comfortably. Don’t tell the neighbor kids as apparently, kids think I’m snuggly and this thing isn’t *that* big.

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