a 4 year-old on time

December 13th, 2008

One of the greatest joys of parenting is seeing the world through the eyes of your child. Last year at this time, we were learning about relationship status – how “son” was ranked below “girlfriend” in the hierarchy of non-family affectionate statuses. One might have many “sons,” but only one “girlfriend.” Most recently, we’ve been learning about age and time. The conversations have been equally amusing.

Will: Mom, is Maddie older than me?
Mom: Yes, Maddie is 8. She is twice as old as you.
Will: Oh, I could tell. She has long, long hair.

Will: Mom, will there be snow in Tahoe after Christmas?
Mom: Yep. I bet there is snow, there, now.
Will: Can we go to Tahoe after Christmas?
Mom: How come?
Will: I don’t want to miss Christmas.

Will: How old are you?
Mom: 32
Will: How old is Daddy?
Mom: 30
Will: 29, 30, 31, 32. Mom, you are older than Daddy, but Daddy is bigger than you. You were this big (arms outstretched) when Daddy was born.

Will: Grandpa Texas is really old. He is bigger than everyone. Right, Daddy?

Will: How many months is it until my birthday?
Dad: 7
Will: How many months is it until Sylvie’s birthday?
Dad: 10
Will: That’s why I’m older. My birthday comes first.

Inspired by his good friend’s new brother and new house, Will has been inquiring when we will get OUR new baby and new house. Apparently, when we start shopping for a new house, we should look for stairs that go “up and up and down and down” and houses that look like (Will clasps his hands together to make a peak).

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