Obama’s at the door

October 21st, 2008

Our kids are slowly becoming involved with this election as we’ve made them suffer through the conventions and then all 4 debates with us. Sylvie clapped happily everytime McCain or Palin spoke during the RNC – which I think says something about their demographic. And just like most Americans, Sylvie has stopped clapping for those two since the RNC, and has mastered “Barack Obama, yeah!!” Okay, so it still sounds a little more like “Bok Mama, yeah!” But, she proudly shouts it randomly throughout the day.

Anyway, on our run this past weekend we entertained the kids by having them find Obama signs, which in Berkeley is not that hard. Will asked why we don’t have an Obama sign on our house, and Doug said that it was because we didn’t know where to get one.

Tonight while I was making dinner some guy came to the door and Will came running to me screaming, “Mom, come quick! Mom, come here! …” Knowing it was someone asking for money, I figured my screaming daughter and bubblng bechamel were more pressing. A few minutes later Will came in deflated, “Mom, I wanted an Obama sign. It was the Obama sign guy and he went away because you didn’t come! Oh Mom!”

One Response to “Obama’s at the door”

  1. 1 grampa
    October 22nd, 2008 at 8:00 am

    We knew the Dentist and his wife across the street were going to be Republicans when we saw the movers carrying in Animal Heads a couple of years ago. Diana had been driving around in a Range Rover that gave equal space to Jesus and Bush. First blood was drawn when the Dentist put up his McCain/Palin sign…supposedly at his wife’s insistence. The rest of us followed suit with dozens of local candidates who hopefully will ride Obama’s coattails into office to give much needed support to the President’s attempts to correct for 8 years of corporate welfare and governmental mismanagement. I don’t think Texas Democrats will be triumphant come Nov. 4th, but I pray that the Nation as a whole has the good sense to elect an intelligent man to the Presidency in lieu of a man who did little more than survive prison camp to earn our great respect and admiration. As for the Obama sign…placing one in your yard in the Bay Area is like puting a McCain/Palin sign in your yard in Texas – you’re only blocking the sprinkler.

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